Who are you?

I am Michael Caldwell.

May I know more about you?

Sure. I like technology, graphic design, woodworking/fabrication, science fiction, and long walks on the beach.

Why do you have a webpage?

My webpage used to be a creative outlet for myself. (Though, it is not very up-to date, or stylish) Now-a-days I primarily maintain my professional site.

Why "Yingster"?

Well, Ying is the name of my totally-rad kitty-cat. I affectionately called her yingster or yingy. I got her when I was 7, and have always loved her. She was in my opinion the best cat ever!

What is on your webpage?

Lots of stuff. I have information on things that are important to me. I have a page dedicated to choir which was by far my most fond memory from my high school experience. I have pictures of my pets. Those probably aren't as important to you, but they are to me. I also have pictures and documentation on projects I have done, such as building cool arcade cocktail tables.

Why does your webpage look like it is straight from the 1990s?

Well, that is probably because it is. I don't invest much, if any, time in this website. Its a legacy of the past. Current projects and information go to my more professional website, CoastalVectors.

Why do you talk about yourself so much?

Because it's my website.

I'm bored, and want to leave.

OK. Go play some cool solitaire games, or go somewhere else.

© 1998-2024 Michael Caldwell [michaelc.website@yingster.net]

Last modified: Sep 11, 2024 14:02pm